It used to be that the number of different microcontroller chips available to the hobbyist was pretty limited. You got to use whatever you could manage to buy from the mail-order chip dealer, and that narrowed down the choice to a small number of chips.
But times have changed. Digikey lists over 16000 different line items under a ‘microcontroller’ search. Which one should a hobbyist with no particular prior experience choose?
Here are some hints. These are particularly aimed at someone trying to pick a microcontroller to use for the first time at least partially as a learning experience, rather than someone who wants to accomplish a particular task.
More information can be read here
Hi jagan,
i am a software, i don’t know much about micro controller.But i am very much interesting on micro controller. can you please suggest me
1. where can i get full details about micro controllers
2 which materials do i need to buy to execute programs in micro controllers.