Android talks to Arduino via Bluetooth Communication

This project slightly modifies the Google Android sample app called “Bluetooth Chat” so you can type a message in the Android app and that same message will appear on an LCD attached to an Arduino Uno. 

Functionality:  Android  talks to Arduino
1. Run the Android “Bluetooth Chat” sample app (after we modify the app in this instructable).  Type a message in the app’s text box and press the “send” button.  The message you typed echoes on the app display.
2. Message travels through the air from the built-in Android Bluetooth modem to the Bluetooth modem connected to the Arduino Uno.
3. Arduino Uno receives the typed message.
4. The Arduino Uno prints the typed message on the LCD.

Functionality:  Arduino talks to Android
1. Every 30 seconds, the Arduino sends a message (“hello from Arduino”) to the Android phone via Bluetooth.
2. The Arduino message appears on the Android “Bluetooth Chat” sample app display.
Why?  Just an easy way to test the Arduino’s ability to not only receive messages from, but send messages to the Android phone.  You can take the example sketch and change it however you want.

Here’s the full video instruction that we’ll break out into steps:

To Read Full post click here

Source: Circuit_breaker).

About Jagadesh Boopathi

I am tech savy spending more time on technology, learning about web, making time to find new stuff always. Also I am Entrepreneur, Blogger and an Engineer. Open Source - Matters.

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One Comment on “Android talks to Arduino via Bluetooth Communication”

  1. Sir,
    i am working on a voice controlled robot.
    need your help.
    if u can tell me which will be a better option: 1)using android phone to communicate with the robot or 2) via pc/laptop

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