Homemade USB interface board using a PIC

This is a USB interface board I’ve built around a PIC 18f4550 microcontroller from Microchip. As many of you probably know, I’ve used my computer’s parallel port to connect many things to my computer. However, most laptops don’t have parallel ports these days, so I needed a way to connect things without a parallel port.

You can make your C#, VB, C++ programs communicate with the chip using the open-source MCHPFSUSB Framework from Microchip, or the Window’s HID drivers. The framework comes with lots of samples to get you started.

I’ve put a bootloader on the chip for the sake of convenience. With a bootloader, you don’t have to take the chip off the board and put it in a separate programmer for programming. I have to sometimes re-program the chip every 10-15 minutes during development (especially when there’s a hard to find bug), and the bootloader really makes it easy.

For full project click here

Source and Credits: ashishrd.blogspot.in

About Jagadesh Boopathi

I am tech savy spending more time on technology, learning about web, making time to find new stuff always. Also I am Entrepreneur, Blogger and an Engineer. Open Source - Matters.

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One Comment on “Homemade USB interface board using a PIC”

  1. hola cuando hice el programador y lo conecto a la computadora me dice dispositivo usb no reconocido me puedes ayuda?

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