ISP Programming Kit for AT89S52 and AVR series Microcontroller

Now you can burn microcontrollers in your home with less cost of making AT89S51 series microcontroller burning IC kit. AT89Sxx series IC’s have inbuilt ISP (In System Programming) module so we can burning microcontroller easily. Here is the simple board circuit for making of AT89Sxx series kit for burning hex file into on-chip.

Here we design kit using parallel port connection to burn IC.. USB port connection of 89s51/52 series kit will made available soon here.

ISP PC Software for programming this AT89S51/52 microcontroller can be downloaded here


About Jagadesh Boopathi

I am tech savy spending more time on technology, learning about web, making time to find new stuff always. Also I am Entrepreneur, Blogger and an Engineer. Open Source - Matters.

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71 Comments on “ISP Programming Kit for AT89S52 and AVR series Microcontroller”

  1. i like it and i need some help about microcontroller i will take some course and i want to work on microcontroller can u help me

    1. This kit works with InSystem Programming module which is inbuilt with AT89SXX series microcontroller. You can the microcontroller directly to the system for programming via Parallel port connection. Please look into diagram for more detail

      1. Sir, please tell what is the working of printer port, how can i check that my kit is ready to burn program, & how can confirm that is fully burn in microcontroller

        1. Printer port is the parallel port where ISP support. Install the software which provide and find your controller and click Burn. It will provide message once your burning done.

  2. hello frnd,
    for my project i have purchaged developement board n programmer both to burn microcontroller 8051. but i am so confused how to initiate dumping of programme in ic8051. pls tell me what should i do?

  3. hey i have bought atmega16 board.
    i could not connet it to pc.
    will you give me some suggestions.

    i have board from this link-

  4. Sir,after connecting this ckt to parallel port,microcontroller chip will directly get detected or we will have to do any settings,or we will have to load any program into chip for the communication between chip and PC…???

    1. You need use the ISP software which available on the tutorial. This ISP package will detect your microcontroller if connected successfully. It connected well then you are ready to burn the IC.

  5. Thank U Jagan very much..

    When I was in B.Tech we paid 3000/-
    to buy a programming kit, and learn dumping the program to 8051

    But, the hardware you gave costs within 300/-
    (Thanks U very much)

    It really works.

  6. Hi sir,
    I don’t have the programmer device for my AT89S52. Will the diagram work for me? and for what the printer socket is used? please describe in details to me. thanks.

      1. My 2 laptops and a PC don’t have printer slot. So can i use a converter cable which converts printer slot to USB?

  7. Hello Sir,

    Firstly thanks for the detailed schematic and layouts. I am trying to build this at home, and I intend to program AT89S52 thorough my laptop. Your clarifications on the following doubts shall be very helpful:

    1) Can the CON10AP (J1), be replaced with a 9pin DB connector? Does the pin connections change if I try to do that? The schematic shows that MISO connects at pin 10, where will it go on the DB9? Using this DB9 can i directly connect to the programmer using a serial to USB connector?

    2)The circuit works on 5V. What is the Voltage regulator that can be used with a 12V supply? Can you please guide me to its schematic as well?

    3) I dis not understand how the USB connector is connecting to the microcontroller? Can you please help me with this?

    Thanks in advance. Appreciate your work.

  8. hello sir,
    your posting and sites are very useful for me sir
    i need your contact sir
    i need you email and mobile number
    it will be precious for me
    i am a BE ECE student from trichy…
    seeking for your reply soon
    thanks in advance..

  9. sir firstly thanks about above information
    my question is I have borrowed programmer kit of 8051 series of 850rs
    they given me a cd of wlpro software is not installing what can I do and tell me the steps to burn the at89c51
    I will be waiting sir

  10. hello Jagan sir,
    i am TJ new to this embedded feild. i started a basic programming.
    i want to know whether this ckt will work or not ? what precaution should i take ? is there any pcb for the same ?

    pls help.

  11. Nice! lukin foward on doin dis project…
    pls can i get a circiut using d serial port…nd is d software u provide at d beginning wrk with serial port.

    1. In market it is available with different versions to flash the program on AT89S52. You can buy anyone of it around Rs.700. Else you can build your own programmer using the above tutorial.

  12. thank you sir, the circuit worked perfectly and it burn the hex code generated from assembly language.
    It can’t burn the hex code generated from the C language.
    please help me on that.

  13. Dear Sir,
    Could you guide me to develop board for Programmable temperature controller by using AT89S52 or suggest the PIC for our application. to develop my self how to start first? what essential tools i need?

  14. hellow sir , i m new in this field so m asking that, programmer’s hardware on your web page does not required any other components ?
    please rply me … i m waiting

  15. The circuit you have given is for programming using the Parallel port. However, most laptops today dont have it.
    The link you have given for USB uses only the USB to power the circuit but does not allow us program via the serial link.
    Is there some software that has been made to program in-circuit using the COM port or USB port directly without involving the parallel port?

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